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What is Examination?

10 March, 2023

What is examination?

An examination (exam) is a test. Many things may be examined, but the word is most often used for an assessment of a person. It measures a test-taker’s knowledge, skill, aptitude, physical fitness or ability or standing in some other topic. It is a set of questions designed to measure those things. wikipadea

These Strategic Ideas can help you“`👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽

Teacher’s Responsibilities

1. To set the examination (in accordance to the curriculum) based on the topics and subjects taught during the term.

2. Submit the examination scripts for vetting by the vetting committee a week after the midterm break.

3. Type the examination scripts and re-submit for final vetting.

4. With ready-made questions, this can make teachers work easy but not lazy because the Teachers must still read and edit the questions to fit in to what is expected in his/her class.

School Responsibilities

1. Give the teacher the curriculum to follow

2. Give the teachers the examination template. Every examination has a standard; Theory or Objective…

3. Appoint vetting committee

4. The Head Teacher does the scanning of the scripts to detect possible error. As much as possible, the examination should be error free.

5. Give time frame for the submission of the examination

6. Makes original copies. Give the original copies to the teachers for final proof reading

7. Produce the copies needed subjects and per class.

8. Set the time table.

9. Send the time table to the parents

10. Ensure the timetable is strictly followed but not without flexibility if need be.

11. Think of giving teachers Refreshments during the conduct of the examination as you have the strength. You can equally package a special gift for best examiner/teacher.

12. You can engage an external examiner to Supervise the examination standard and conduct of the examination.

Note: It’s advisable the teachers types their questions themselves to safe time, reduce errors and cost.

However, the school can provide the facility (money, data, laptop, system) to do the typing.

Finally, the teacher are expected to submit the examination scripts with answers.

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